Effects of municipal solid waste landfills on soil and groundwater quality
Municipal solid waste, Landfill, Heavy metal, Soil qualityAbstract
The percolation of untreated wastewater contaminates the groundwater and alters its physiochemical properties. Leachate is created when solid waste is dumped improperly and haphazardly, and the following percolation of these materials shows a negative effect on groundwater. Population expansion that is out of control, urbanization, industry, and changing living standards give pressure on water sources to satisfy the rate of water use in various areas. As a result, meeting the requirements of more water of higher quality and quantity has become a difficult task for all humans in the modern day. The leachate percolation affects the quality of groundwater and surrounding soil samples in the vicinity of municipal solid waste disposal facility at Pallavaram, Chennai, was examined in the current study. High concentrations of nitrates, chlorides, and sulphates and also total hardness, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids, were the consequences of dumping activity on groundwater that were most obvious. Groundwater samples taken close to a dumping site showed elevated levels of contaminants as calcium, magnesium, sodium potassium, lead, cadmium, chromium and nickel. A significant amount (range, average±SD) of heavy metals (mg/kg) (Pb: 18.74-82.39, 55.25±21.15; Cd:0.532-2.142, 1.251±0.537; Cr: 12.29-42.19, 29.52±10.89; Ni: 8.527-26.74, 18.71±5.707) present in the soil samples. The study certainly shows that groundwater monitoring should be done regularly at landfills in highly populated places. Furthermore, unless it satisfies certain criteria, groundwater near garbage sites is forbidden to be used for drinking. Wastes should not be dumped randomly in the study areas without effective solid waste management procedures.
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