Exploration of species diversity and vegetation pattern in submontane Terai belt forest of North Bengal, Eastern Himalaya


  • Sharma P Depart of Botany, Samastipur College, LN Mithila University, Samastipur, Bihar




Vegetative community, Ecological diversity, Plant species, Diversity index, Evenness


The current study was done with the aim to investigate the diversity of some selected plants present in the Gorumara National Park of West Bengal, India. In the study, single plant representatives of ten vegetative families (herb, shrubs and small tree) were taken under consideration in ten different plots. Vegetation (tree, shrub and herbaceous species) study was considered with the plot size (20 x 20) m. for small tree species, (5x5) m. and (1x1) m. for shrubs and herbs species. The data revealed that, the selection of dominant plant species had been done including species of one small tree, five shrubs, three herbs and one fern in the experimental side. The most frequently distributed plant species found in the area of study was Cynodon dectylon (L.) Persoon(89 %) within 3187 plants of ten families counted by the total quadrates. Density was highest for the plant species Cynodon dectylon (L.) Persoon (8.11) followed by Lantana camara (L.) (7.86). Relative abundance of ten selected species in the area obtained was 0.314% with evenness 0.837. From the study the indices of species diversity were calculated and the data revealed that the vegetative community of the selected ten plant species of the Gorumara National park was distributed with the Simpson index 0.18 and Shannon index of plant species diversity 1.93 in the pre-monsoon season of this year. The study showed that the dominated plant community of the forest were the tiny plants like Cynodon dectylon (L.) followed by terrestrial fern Dryopteris sparsa (D. Don) Kuntze and invasive plant like Lantana camara (L). The Shannon diversity index (1.93) reflects moderate diversity of selected plant species in the forest community.



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How to Cite

Sharma, P. (2023). Exploration of species diversity and vegetation pattern in submontane Terai belt forest of North Bengal, Eastern Himalaya. International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Science, 2(1), 18–24. https://doi.org/10.70035/ijarts.2023.2118-24



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