Assessment of spatial variability of heavy metal concentrations in soils under the influence of industrial wastewater discharge


  • Bhoi S College of Forestry, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India



Industrial wastewater, Heavy metals, Soil contamination, Environmental toxicity, Health risks


Evaluation of the spatial variability of contaminants such as heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Cr) in soils was conducted according to the effect of industrial wastewater discharge. High volumes of wastewater are produced daily in metropolitan areas due to increasing industrialization and population growth. Heavy metal soil contamination in agricultural lands that are cultivated using industrial effluents has become a detrimental environment issue. The degradation of the soil is brought through permeation of these contaminants through the soil. Deposition of pollutants on the soil surface is the prime cause of soil contamination. The objective of the current study was set to monitor and assess variations in heavy metal concentrations in wastewater (n=19) and soil samples (n=8) adjacent to natural drainage systems. Standard techniques were used to analyse each parameter under investigation. According to experimental results of physic-chemical properties, the pH ranged from 7.15 to 8.21, electrical conductivity was 430 to 650 μS/cm, and TDS was 274.2 to 429.5 mg/l. The sequence in which the average level (mg/l) of heavy metals (mean±SD) dropped in the analysed wastewater samples taken from the sampling locations was Cu (14.08±3.975) > Pb (5.412±2.361)> Ni (2.699±1.22)> Cr (2.415±1.271) > Cd (0.753±0.425). High levels of heavy metal concentrations were identified close to the wastewater channel which had a substantial impact on the soil samples that were studied. Chemical study results depicted that metal levels in soils declined with the distance from the source, or wastewater channel. Through outreach and education efforts, locals should be made aware of the potential health risks in association with exposure to untreated wastewater.



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How to Cite

Bhoi, S. (2023). Assessment of spatial variability of heavy metal concentrations in soils under the influence of industrial wastewater discharge. International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Science, 2(1), 25–30.



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