Intensified behavioural modernity of human: an insight into extinction crisis
Behavioural modernity, Human beings, Insight, Nature, ExtinctionAbstract
Human behaviour modernity causes an instantaneous advancement in language, art (Palaeolithic), and technology, including the mid-stone age discoveries of weapons such as spear throwers on Earth. In human science, self-awareness, genetic drift, species interaction, exposure to artefacts, and the development of critical thinking through purified information are all viewed as "human phenomena" from a real-world perspective.
Since nature serves as the ultimate arbiter of life's existence, the rules of nature must apply to humans. A great deal of research is being conducted with the viewpoint that human actions that are primarily focused on improving human well-being could ultimately lead to the extinction of humans as a species, which would be catastrophic for the survival of future generations. A species such as human beings, Homo sapiens sapiens, may also consider itself to have "gone extinct" if distant offspring have replaced them and may eventually give rise to new Homo or hominid species as a result of anthropogenic exploitation of natural environment.
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