A study on wood anatomy of a few tree species in Western Himalaya
Wood anatomy, Forest, Tracheary elements, Woody species, Western HimalayaAbstract
Wood anatomy of 10 tree species of Western Himalaya of which 4 species belong to Fagaceae (Quercus incana, Quercus lanata, Quercus floribunda, and Castanopsis indica), 1 species belongs to family Ericaceae (Rhododendron arboreum), 1 species belongs to Platanaceae (Platanus orientalis), 1 is under Betulaceae (Betula utilis), the other 1 is under Salicaceae (Populus deltoides) and the other 2 species belong to Proteaceae and Lauraceae (Grevillea robusta and Lindera pulcherrima) were investigated with their different anatomical features. Transverse Section (T.S), Tangential Longitudinal Section (T.L.S) and Radial Longitudinal Section (R.L.S) were prepared for microscopic studies. Characteristic similarities and disparities in the tissues arrangement as well as cell inclusions were noted for description and delimitation. Characters of tracheary elements, in particular, the tracheid and vessel; fibre and ray parenchyma structure are studied among these species. The ray cells are strictly uniseriate in the woods of Quercus incana, Quercus lanata, Quercus floribunda, Betula utilis and Populus deltoides, biseriarte in Castanopsis indica, Rhododendron arboreum, Lindera pulcherrima and strictly multiseriate in the woods of Grevillea robusta and Platanus orientalis. The presence of a least amount of ray cells is a good quality of timber. It is also considered as an advanced anatomical feature. The objective of the research is to study the wood anatomy of some tree species in Western Himalaya and its significance in dendrology and application.
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