Impact of covid-19 pandemic on agricultural production and food system in India
Covid-19 Pandemic, Corona virus, Agriculture, Production, Food securityAbstract
The pandemic Covid-19 has affected the life of the people in many ways. The nation’s first priority was to save the lives of the people and that need has affected the Indian economy severely. It affects almost all sectors like agriculture, tourism, trade, transport, banking, industry, markets and services. India as well as whole world is suffering from COVID-19 disease. Most of the people of the world died due to this pandemic. Now a days vaccination prevents the death rate with rapidity of its application but no country in the world can pre vent this terrible disaster permanently. Agriculture has been hit hardest by the pandemic. Covid-19 has affected not only the lives of farmers physically and mentally, but also hit them the hardest in economy. It breaks the backbone of the farmers. The farmers could not get seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc. for crop production, the stake holders were unable to sell and distribute food grains; the consumers were unable to buy the food grains and vegetables and the stock of food grains and vegetables were rotten in the storage. Import and export of agricultural food products were totally stopped. So, India faced massive detrimental effects of the pandemic in last two years mainly in agricultural sector. The study affirmed that the Covid-19 disease has a significant impact on the Indian agricultural sector and its food supply chain, with huge effects on the most vulnerable population.
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