A review on source, impacts and mitigation measures of groundwater fluoride contamination: a major health issue
Groundwater, Fluoride contamination, Weathering, Health issue, Mitigation measureAbstract
Fluoride (F¯) in groundwater is one such ion that makes the groundwater unsuitable for drinking purposes and responsible for serious human health problems such as dental, skeletal, and non-skeletal fluorosis in more than 25 countries worldwide. Recent studies estimated that cases of fluorosis are prevalent in 67 million people in 19 out of the 32 states of India due to intake of fluoride-enriched groundwater ranging from 0.01 to 37.0 mg/l affecting 8 and 18 million people among them by skeletal and dental fluorosis, respectively. The distribution of fluoride in groundwater varies due to geogenic or anthropogenic sources or combined factors. The various geological and artificial factors that govern the F¯ prevalence in aquifers have been discussed. Different types of adverse health hazards of fluoride on humans and plants have also been enlightened. Since fluoride occurrence above 1.0 mg/l (BIS) or 1.5 mg/l (WHO) in groundwater can produce endemic health issues, there is an essential requirement to monitor groundwater fluoride levels frequently. Higher concentration in water needs treatment to bring them under the guideline value. Some available fluoride removal techniques from groundwater have been deliberated in study. Groundwater fluoride contamination is generally natural and unpreventable. However, most people unintentionally consume the untreated groundwater in developing countries leading to a widespread problem worldwide. A prominent solution is to educate and aware people about this issue. Frequent monitoring and defluoridation of the contaminated groundwa ter must be needed before consumption for a healthy world. The present review work is a step toward this fluoride hazard awareness with compact information about its various sources, status, removal technologies, and their relation with the environment.
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