A study on environmental adaptability and behavioural variation of Rambouillet, Ramghani and Kaghani lamb breeds
Heat stress, Environmental adaptability, Behavioural variation, Population, Lamb breedsAbstract
High level of temperature along with chronic environmental changes causes metabolic impairments in animals that raise their stress levels. For a variety of interrelated intrinsic and extrinsic factors, individual animals behave substantially from one another, and this behavioural variance is the main feature for evolutionary change. In many cases, both natural and human-induced rapid environmental changes have an impact on behaviour through its wide ranging direct and indirect effects on physiology. The sheep are essential to the establishment of sustainable and ecologically responsible agricultural systems for rural communities, particularly in extremely hot climates. An experiment was conducted at livestock experiment station, Jaba sheep farm, district Mansehra (300 acres) to study the environmental adaptability and behavioural variation of Rambouillet, Ramghani and Kaghani lamb breeds. High increases in the outside temperature of Jaba sheep farm cause population to fall and numerous modifications of routine behaviour to adapt to the circumstances. The study revealed that sheep were severely impacted by the local ecological systems of LES after changing climate and/or weather which also affects the lamb fertility. The rate of abortion increased during the course of the study period, possibly as a result of alterations in the climatic conditions.
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