Effects of climate change on wool production and crop yield by the Livestock Experiment Station (LES) in Jaba district Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Climate change, Adverse effects, Wool production, Maize, Wheat, Crop yieldAbstract
Climate changes are the long-term changes in weather conditions and/or patterns of unusual extreme weather events. Climate changes by natural factors include volcanic eruptions, variations in solar output, natural aerosol emissions, variations in the earth's orbital characteristics and some anthropogenic factors including burning of fossil fuels, industrial activities, cement production, land use changes, deforestation and mismanaged agriculture. All these activities result in higher emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) i.e., carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The study suggested that LES, Jaba is particularly vulnerable to climatic change because it is rainfed – Barani area. As per results of the present research, the crop production from LES, Jaba, during 2008 – 2017, has decreased. The adverse effects of climate change on the crop production (Maize and wheat), were pronounced during the last three years i.e., 2015 - 2017. The study expressed that the average maize and wheat production was 1763 and 321 (kg/acre) throughout the study respectively. In the present research extreme weather, increase in temperature, drought and water availability directly affected wool production by livestock and it indirectly affected them via diseases spread. The study revealed that climate change has been found to have significant environmental and economic impacts on wool production and crop yield.
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