Herbicidal impacts on freshwater zooplankton
Freshwater zooplankton, Herbicide toxicity, Population dynamic, Reproductive potential, Community structureAbstract
Application of herbicides is an essential part of agriculture for more crop yields. But their overuse raises the risk of non-target species extinction from freshwater ecosystems. Phytoplanktons, the primary producers in aquatic systems are highly susceptible to herbicide contamination, resulting in disturbance of trophic interactions and energy flow in meta-communities. Persistence of current-use herbicides, dalapon (2 to 3 days), paraquat and diquat (4 to 6 weeks), chlorthiamid (3 months), terbutryne and diuron (>3 months) etc.in pond and river ecosystems can adversely affect plankton community. Interestingly, desphenyl-chloridazon, the metabolite of n-chloridazon is more persistent (>98 days) and more toxic to aquatic planktons. Herbicides such as benfluralin, bensulide, dacthal, ethalfluralin, oxadiazon, pendimethalin, triallate, and trifluralin potentially accumulate in sediments and aquatic biota. Zooplanktons are affected by herbicides directly and indirectly. Herbicides like glyphosate are more toxic to non-target organisms such as Daphnia magna. Some herbicides are potential lethal to amphipods, cladocerans, copepods, malacostracans, and rotifers. Herbicides interfere negatively on the growth, behavior, reproductive potential and population dynamics of zooplanktons. Herbicides (i.e., atrazine) reduce the species abundance and biomass of zooplankton. Atrazine at very low concentration can alter the sex ratio of Daphnia pulicaria. The phenylamide herbicide, propanil interferes growth, survival and reproduction efficiency of D. magna at 0.08 mg/l concentration and its metabolite 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA) creates acute lethal inhibition on reproduction rate in D. magna. The sub-lethal effects of herbicides can alter the demographic parameters of zooplanktons. Herbicides inhibit enzyme catalysis, mRNA expression, gene induction and grazing rate of freshwater zooplanktons. Herbicide concentration in freshwater body is very vital for ecosystem productivity and presence of microalgae can reduce the toxicity. So, our review focuses on the harmful effects of several herbicides on different zooplanktons in freshwater ecosystems. Stress enzyme assay and development of more sensitive biomarker are our future scope of study to depict herbicidal effect more precisely.
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